IOE Undergrad Program

Undergraduate advisor: Leonora Lucaj
Our advising team is here to help you learn more about IOE, plan your courses, consult on careers and more.
Schedule an advising appointment now

Course requirements for a U-M IOE BSE degree are displayed in the Undergrad Student Course Guide.
U-M IOE Advisors

Graduate Intern
Peer Advisors

Virtual drop-ins with advisors and peer advisors are available through this link.
In-person, scheduled appointments with an advisor or peer advisor can be made at this link.
Planning tips and tools

U-M IOE sample schedule, GPA calculator, and course planning tool
Use these tools to answer questions about planning your journey.
The following are suggestions you should consider when registering for courses.
- IOE 265 can be taken concurrently with IOE 333.
- Always plan ahead because some IOE 400-level courses are only offered once each year. See course offerings here.
- ACC 471 – Accounting Principles, FIN 302 – Making Financial Decisions, MKT 302 – Marketing Management are popular non-IOE technical electives.
- Choose Intellectual Breadth courses carefully as they may be prerequisites for technical electives that you are interested in taking in the future.
- Math 214 or Rob 101 – Linear Algebra is required.
- Unofficial transcripts can be viewed and official transcripts can be ordered free of charge through Wolverine Access. Find locations for the Office of the Registrar here.
U-M IOE Undergraduate Program Ambassadors
Connect with a U-M IOE Student Ambassador for an unscripted take on life as an U-M IOE undergraduate student.

U-M IOE Ambassador Coffee Chats
We invite prospective U-M IOE students to connect with current Student Ambassadors to create connections, ask for advice, learn about the program and more!
Date and Time: Flexible – the U-M IOE Student Ambassadors will schedule around you!
Questions? Email for more information!