Advising and planning

Leonora Lucaj smiles and poses for a portrait
Leonora Lucaj
A linked image of the front cover of the Undergraduate Student Course Guide

Course requirements for a U-M IOE BSE degree are displayed in the Undergrad Student Course Guide.

Portrait of Leonora Lucaj
Leonora Lucaj
Academic Advisor
portrait of Mariel Lavieri
Mariel Lavieri
Academic Advisor
portrait of Luis Garcia-Guzman
Luis Garcia-Guzman
Academic & Career Advisor
Advising Hours:
Fridays, 12-2pm
portrait of Debra Levantrosser
Debra Levantrosser
Career Advisor
Advising Hours:
T/Th, 12-2pm
Maddy Denny smiles and poses for a portrait.
Maddie Denny
Graduate Intern
Portrait of Aurora Husic
Aurora Husic
Adam Thompson

Virtual drop-ins with advisors and peer advisors are available through this link.
In-person, scheduled appointments with an advisor or peer advisor can be made at this link.

U-M IOE sample schedule, GPA calculator, and course planning tool

Use these tools to answer questions about planning your journey.

The following are suggestions you should consider when registering for courses.

  • IOE 265 can be taken concurrently with IOE 333.
  • Always plan ahead because some IOE 400-level courses are only offered once each year. See course offerings here.
  • ACC 471 – Accounting Principles, FIN 302 – Making Financial Decisions, MKT 302 – Marketing Management are popular non-IOE technical electives.
  • Choose Intellectual Breadth courses carefully as they may be prerequisites for technical electives that you are interested in taking in the future.
  • Math 214 or Rob 101 – Linear Algebra is required.
  • Unofficial transcripts can be viewed and official transcripts can be ordered free of charge through Wolverine Access. Find locations for the Office of the Registrar here.

Connect with a U-M IOE Student Ambassador for an unscripted take on life as an U-M IOE undergraduate student.


Portrait of Tyler Bush
Tyler Bush
Megan Gottfried smiles and poses for a portrait.
Megan Gottfried
Jules Hwang
Janie Perkins
Brooke Phillips