Center for Ergonomics

The Center for Ergonomics operates within the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering and is dedicated to gaining and sharing a better understanding of how tools, technologies and work practices affect health and performance and how they can be improved through human-centered design.
Learn more about the Center for Ergonomics
Center for Healthcare Engineering and Patient Safety
The mission of the Center for Healthcare Engineering and Patient Safety (CHEPS) is to improve the safety and quality of healthcare through a multi-disciplinary, systems engineering-based approach. The center brings together specialists in engineering, medicine, public health, nursing, and more to tackle real-world problems in hospitals and clinics. Hands-on projects within and outside the university have immediate and measurable impacts. CHEPS also seeks to inform engineers and health professionals about opportunities to improve healthcare with engineering solutions and keep the broader community abreast of advances in healthcare engineering and patient safety.
Learn more about the Center for Healthcare Engineering and Patient Safety (CHEPS)
Data Science Lab
The focus of the Data Science Lab is on developing machine learning and decision-making methodologies that facilitate the transformation from an information-rich to a decision smart system.
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Guikema Research Group
The Guikema Research Group is focused on and grounded in risk analysis, statistical learning theory, agent-based modeling, stochastic simulation, decision analysis, and agent-based modeling.
Learn more about the Guikema Research Group »
Interaction and Collaboration Research Lab (ICRL)
The Interaction and Collaboration Research Lab (ICRL) aims to understand how humans interact and collaborate with each other, with autonomous agents and with robots, and to propose design solutions facilitating such interactions and collaborations.
Learn more about the Interaction and Collaboration Research Lab »
Stirling Group
This interdisciplinary research group brings together methods from human factors, biomechanics, and robotics. It strives to understand the physical and cognitive interactions for goal-oriented human task performance and support operational decision making that relies on manual task performance.